How to create an In-Person Campaign post
Go to the Live Feed and follow the steps below:
On the top of the live feed, you will see a lightning bolt icon that looks like this:
Step 1: On the top of the live feed, you will see a lightning bolt icon click it to open the Campaign Builder
IMPORTANT: Only team members on your team that have Admin and Creator permission will have access to the Campaign Builder to make, update, and close campaign posts.
Step 2: Click Create Campaign
This will open the Campaign Builder where you can select the type of support that you need.
Step 3: Under SELECT ONE, click 'IN-PERSON'
Step 4: Select how urgently you need support
GOOD TO KNOW: You can save your campaign as a draft at any time. Just press save at the bottom left and then exit. You can access your drafts at any time by clicking Drafts at the top right of the Campaign Builder.
Now that you have selected the type of support you need and your urgency level you can fill out the details of what is going on by following the steps below.
Step 5: Create a campaign title. This is what people will first see so keep it short but informative. Some examples are "Coral Reef Assessment Video" or "Graphic designer needed for outreach pamphlet" or "Mechanic needed for patrol vehicle maintenance"
Step 6: Click the 'add authors' button to mention any team members who are involved in this campaign. Team members will only show up here if they have been approved to be on your team. GOOD TO KNOW: Follow the How to add a team member to your organization guide to learn how to add team members to your organization so they can then be selected as Authors on posts.
Step 7: Add a photo or video. This media will serve as the visual for the campaign post and is what will be seen on the Live Feed. Make sure it is as high quality as possible. That being said it is more important that you are getting your message out and sometimes there are not perfect videos or photos to share- that is ok! Just share what you can and what gets the message to supporters the best.
Step 5: Give a brief summary of what kind of support you are looking for and why. This will be what people first read and what will pull them in to learn more about the opportunity to get involved. You will go into more detail about the exact type of support you need in the next steps of the Campaign Builder.
Step 6: Add the location where support is needed
Step 7: Add the species that are included in the post. This can be multiple species and they will show up on the campaign post where people can learn more.
Step 8: Describe the volunteer support that you need. Be as detailed as possible so people know this is the right opportunity for them.
Step 9: Input the number of volunteers you need. Your campaign will stay open until all of the spots are filled. Once they are filled supporters will no longer be able to sign up to volunteer.
Step 10: Input the date and time that you want volunteers to show up.
GOOD TO KNOW: When putting in the time of the event be sure to select AM or PM first and then the time.
Step 11: Input the address of where you want supporters to meet you. If the location you want them to meet you does not have an address you can drag the marker to the location and Google Maps will automatically pull in the location on the map which supporters can follow to get the exact location.
Step 12: Provide more details on where to meet so people now what to look for when they arrive. For example, meet us under the tree to the right of the parking lot.
Step 13: Add a Point of Contact that supporters can connect with before, during, or after the In-Person event.
You have 2 options to choose from.
Option 1: Manually add a person who is not on your team
Option 2: Add a Team Member from your Team
Step 14: Add any details that would be good for a supporter to know before they show up. For example, Be sure to bring lunch, water, and sunscreen.
Step 15: Add in the Suitability of the opportunity. This allows supporters to prepare and know if it's a good opportunity for them to join in. Click the tabs of the categories that are available for your opportunity and add more details to help supporters know why you think it is suitable.
Step 16: Select the Difficulty of the opportunity and why you chose this category. For example, This opportunity is Moderate because we will be walking in full sun on soft sand for 2 miles straight.
Step 17: Add any Relevant Research Topics to your campaign. This is optional but highly recommended as it will make your campaign post show up when someone searches or is following a certain Research Topic. First, put in the Research Topic into the search bar, and when it comes up click it to add it to the list of Selected Hashtags.
GOOD TO KNOW: If you can't find your Research Topic click the Suggest New Topic button and you can send us your suggestion for us to add in.
Step 18: Once you have finished selecting all of the Relevant Research Topics you will have the option of saving your selection of Topics as a Group that you can use on other campaign posts later or you can just move forward by clicking the Next button.
Step 19: Look over the Campaign Preview of what your campaign will look like on the Live Feed to make sure everything looks good. If you're happy with it press Post Campaign.
Congratulations you've made a campaign post!