How to add a big issue on your organization’s profile
First, go to your organization's profile, and on the right click the Edit Profile button that looks like this:
Then follow the instructions below:
Step 1: Click the plus icon to add a new Big Issue. This will bring up a window where you can add information, photos, videos, and links for each section.
Remember: You can always save a draft of your Big Issue and come back later to add more photos, videos, links, and information. You can start small, publish the Big Issue and then come back and build it up as you go.
PRO TIP 1: Add links to help further educate supporters and give them more information to explore. Be sure to add a title that helps explain what the link is. For example, a good title could be "A detailed look at coral bleaching across our field site"
PRO TIP 2: Keep the initial Quick Summary facts short but informative. Save more in-depth information for the descriptions further in the feature. (Shown here)
Step 2: Click Save Changes